Next Thursday, Nov. 28, 2024, is Thanksgiving and we always like to take a moment or two to inventory all that’s good in our lives.
I’ve always loved the Thanksgiving holiday—it’s one where we can turn “inward” to be with family and friends but also to check in with ourselves to found out what we’ve done over the year… and where we hope to be headed.
Not to mention the football watching along with the pinnacle of the day: eating all the turkey, stuffing, pecan pie, turkey, pumpkin pie, gravy, turkey and candied yams followed by more turkey (and then that followed by the annual promise of “I’ll start my diet and exercise program on Monday).
We at Line Drive Softball are very grateful and appreciate of you—the softball player, coach, family member and/orfan—and would love to hear FROM YOU about what you are thankful for this year.
Send us your insights and YOU may get your answers published on Line Drive Softball website to 1 of these 3 questions we’d love for you to answer:
Send in your written thoughts (or video clip if you’d like!) and we possibly will run over Thanksgiving weekend.
Note: the deadline for submissions is next Wednesday, Nov. 28 @ noon EST/9 am PST.
E-mail me at the following along with your Thanksgiving thoughts:
— Brentt Eads/Line Drive Softball (
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