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Personal News From Line Drive's Brentt Eads: "I'm Getting Married Tomorrow!" (Sept. 26, 2024)

By Brentt Eads

September 26, 2024

Shannon and me at the Las Brisas restaurant in Laguna Beach, Calif. on Thursday, July 25, 2024... the evening I proposed to her (and she said "Yes!!!). We will be married on Friday at 10 am!

Personal News From Line Drive's Brentt Eads: "I'm Getting Married Tomorrow!" (Sept. 26, 2024)

Hey Line Drive Softball readers, friends and softball family members… Brentt Eads of Line Drive Softball here…

I generally prefer to keep my personal stuff away from you as our common interest – is fastpitch softball… it’s not about me!

But I’ve become friends with SO many of you and, as I say pretty much daily: “I love my job… because of the people: the players, coaches and family members. In other words, I love my job because of YOU.

So, in order to get my message out to as many people as I can in one fell swoop–to you the softball community and friends:

“I’m getting married tomorrow (Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 @ 10 am)…. wish me luck!”

My very soon bride-to-be (photo taken yesterday).

Many of you met my soon-to-be wife, Shannon Doermann (and soon to be Shannon Eads!) when she travelled with me in the summer as we went to softball events and tournaments like Top Gun Invite, PGF Show Me the Money, Patriot Games, Team USA action and PGF Nationals.

Shannon knows sports well, having been a soccer and volleyball player as well as running track in her schools days. It was wonderful to have her help me on the road do everything from producing videos to taking pics to editing my jibberish writings.

But I’m not marrying her because she kicks butt helping me with this site (which she does)… I’m marrying her tomorrow because I truly love her.

I always said the most beautiful music I ever heard growing up was the sound of my mother laughing. My mother passed away two years ago (and my father in 2005) and now it’s the sound of Shannon’s voice… it just electrifies me when I hear it; and yes, her wonderful laugh too!

Shannon is the most wonderful and complete person I’ve ever known – beautiful and radiant on the outside, but, oh, so so so beautiful too within. She’s super smart, funny, patient, spiritual, kind, romantic and supportive…

… and did I mention I truly love her?

I’m flying to Dallas with one of my sons, Ashton, later today for our official wedding ceremony on Friday (tomorrow) and then our reception on Saturday followed by a short honeymoon.

I’ll be sure to post photos here from both of those events so you can see why we both are very happy to have found each other!

Originally, we were going to go to Hawaii – where she lived at one time – and just have a quiet wedding – just the two of us – but ultimately decided to do it in the Dallas area where she currently lives so our children, family and bestest of friends could attend.

Note, however, that the venue is small or we would have otherwise invited YOU all to come too

A photo of me with Coach Greg Schnute that Shannon took this summer.

We will still have softball content every day and Carlos will be leading the charge while I spend a day or two trying to treat my new wife like the most important person in the world, which she is. Sorry… I may be a little biased.

Funny… we got engaged in July during a dinner in Laguna Beach while we were in So Cal covering softball. I have a feeling that we’ll be doing quite a bit more together in the softball world, too, and hopefully that will include meeting you somewhere out on the fields!

Thanks to all of you who’ve been very supportive over the last little bit… it hasn’t been easy, but it’s been worth it for the experiences I’ve had and the wonderful lessons I’ve learned.

Final note: Shannon and I between us have 11 kids and even a few grandkids… which doesn’t add up because I’m 30 and she’s 20. Hmmmm……. 

… but we’re very excited to be together forever now doing what we both love to do… and do it with each other. We will keep our homes in the Dallas and Boise areas for now so my youngest can graduate from high school (he’s a junior) and we’ll figure out what to do when the time comes (yes, moving to Hawaii is still an option!).

If you want to say hello and wish us well, I would love to hear from you… my email is below. 

Thanks again and now you know why I haven’t been able to stop smiling over the last six to nine months!  

Brentt Eads
Senior Executive Editor

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