We continue our Line Drive Softball initial look at the Class of 2029 and break down these “best of the best” players by POSITION.
Over the last two weeks we’ve honored these softball standouts in the Line Drive HOT 100 as well as the players #’s 101-225.
Tomorrow (April 25, 2024), we wrap up our analysis of the ‘29’s by running the complete list of player rankings for this class No’s 1 through 225.
As many players can take the field at multiple positions; we placed the players at the positions we feel they are mostly likely to play or were recommended to us by club and/or college coaches.
Note: we have separated the Pitcher position into two categories:
Additionally, we have broken the Infielder position into two categories, Middle Infielders and Corner Infielders:
Other positions include:
To send us information on softball players—including stats, honors, accomplishments, recruiting news, photos, etc.—email: Brentt.Eads@LineDriveMedia.com.
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