We get all types of nominations, as you can imagine, but this one was, well, pretty impressive.
A “former player” (she did not identify herself) used the Coach Nomination form to say nice things about Coach Nicole Cook, who was recently named as the Athletic Director for the California Grapettes organization and is also a coach at the 14-U level.
According to the mystery nominator, her former coach has spent three years with the Grapettes and seven years coaching overall.
Located in Petaluma, Calif. which is the San Francisco Bay area, the Grapettes finished in the Top 50 at the 2023 Colorado Sparkler 14U Open and often stay instate to play at the PGF Qualifiers and Nationals.
So what did the former member of Cook’s Grapettes team say?
“Coach Nicole isn’t just a softball coach,” she began.
“She is a mentor and someone we can always go to for anything. Coaching softball is her passion and she always makes sure her athletes are taken care of and feeling good physically and mentally.”
“She makes sure we are continuing to keep up with and prioritize our academics while we are busy with softball and always reminds us to thank our parents. I have personally had a few different coaches in different sports, but Coach Nicole is on a different level in so many positive ways.”
At an organizational meeting for the entire club in mid-January, Coach Cook’s hard work led to her being named as the new Athletic Director of the Grapettes organization:
Had an amazing 🍇 organizational weekend! Met some wonderful coaches, talented athletes and learned a lot! Walked away the new Grapettes Organizational Athletic Director and couldn’t be more honored and grateful for the opportunity! Here’s to a great 2025!🤙🏼 https://t.co/9JJEugJvZr
Cook, a former college catcher and second baseman, really impressed this player for her dedication and class on the field and appreciating her own players but also the opponents in the other dugout.
“Coach Nicole is one of a kind,” the admiring former player of hers continues.
“She really cares deeply about her players and even other teams’ players. She respects other coaches and teams and really is in it for the love of the game and to see girls continue to play softball as long as they possibly can.”
The contributor also spoke to Coach Cook’s ability to prepare her young players to compete early in high school.
“She has had over 20 girls make varsity as freshman the last couple of years, including one right now who made varsity at Casa Grande High, a top high school in Sonoma County.”
It is obvious Cook has great passion for what she does and shares this enthusiasm on the field but also through her social media, as this X/Twitter post showed when she announced the players on her team in December:
Really excited for the new year to be coaching this group of girls! https://t.co/DBiByVDutb
Kudos to Coach Nicole Cook for inspiring at least one player who went through the Grapettes’ system and feels she really benefited from the leadership of her mentor.
— Brentt Eads/Line Drive
Would you like to pay tribute to a coach like this? If so, email me at Brentt.Eads@LineDriveMedia.com and share your thoughts and experiences on how this leader made you a better player… and probably a better person.
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