This has nothing to do with softball, directly, but everything to do with sportsmanship.
In a scene that seems too crazy to be real, a sprinter—in the middle of a race—appeared to attack another with a baton. And is claiming it was an accident.
Many sources nationwide—from the New York Post to USA Today to People (an entertainment-focused website) are reporting the incident… we found video of the incident on a Twitter account (links below)
It’s just too unbelievable to believe.
In the Virginia Class 3 State Indoor Championships, Brookville High’s Kaelen Tucker was running the second leg of the 4×200 relay when Aaila Everett, a sprinter with Norcom High appeared to attack her competitor.
“When we got to the curve, she kept bumping me in my arm and when we got off the curve I finally passed her and that was when she hit me with the baton,” Tucker said.
Apparently, the accused and her mother have denied there was intent in the action, saying it was an accident.
Let me know what you think, email me your thoughts to
Just… watch… the videos below… what do YOU think?
NEW: High school track runner gets attacked with a baton in the middle of a relay at the VSHL Class 3 State Indoor Championships.
Kaelen Tucker was on the second leg of the 4x200m relay at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA, when she got smacked in the head.
Tucker suffered a…
NEW: The high school runner who is accused of attacking another runner in the head with a baton, says it was an accident and wants people to think about her feelings.
Alaila Everett says the video is just one big misunderstanding.
The incident happened in the middle of a relay…
To end on a good note, if you want to see an example of GOOD sportsmanship, click HERE to see the story/video we ran earlier of a Little League pitcher who hits a batter and feels so bad about it, he becomes emotional.
Watch what the struck batter does… just be sure to have a handkerchief or tissue nearby
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